The Compassion of Christ

When he saw the crowd, he had compassion on them because they were harrased and helpless like sheep without a shepherd


The Greek for compassion here is splanchnizomai:

definition of compassion


This splanchnizomai kind of compassion isn’t a mere thought of pity: Christ-like compassion moves our inner man so deeply that we feel it in our gut. It is this kind of compassion that moves us to show compassion, just as it moved the Lord to show compassion (Mt 14:14). It was when He was filled with this compassion that he went on to tell the disciples in the following verse to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Mt 9:38). Compassion should move us too to living out compassion in deed and prayer.

Lord, You are a compassionate God. We praise You for the compassion that moves You to save us, sanctify us, and one day glorify us in Your presence. Father, fill us with Your compassion. Make us like You in this way. Move our hearts to feel deeply for the lost and the needy. Move our hearts to pray more and more for You, the Lord of the harvest, to send out laborers into Your vineyard. Open our eyes to see how great the harvest is, how white these fields are. Open our mouths to tell of Your name, to bring justice to the oppressed, and to lead these lost sheep to the good Shepherd. Fill the prayer warriors and future missionaries with compassion. Fill the translators and the persecuted church with compassion. Fill the hearts of all believers, Father, with Your compassion, for the sake of Your glory. Amen.


What do you think about my post? Anything to add? Any related prayer requests? I really want to hear from you. So, please do comment, if you'd like. :)